Historic Tax Credit Flow Chart

Flow chart of the approval procedure for the federal historic rehabilitation tax credits
The assistance received from the professionals at Historic Consultants has streamlined the paperwork process to make historic rehabilitation a more rewarding experience for developers and property owners like ourselves.
‘Thank you’ just isn’t enough to express how eternally grateful I am for the assistance, persistence and professionalism you demonstrated.
I just wanted to let you know that what you did for me cannot compare to anything else anybody has done for me. You worked so hard and never I suspected or felt you got tired. To tell you the truth at one point I got tired of everything. You gave me hope and you made me believe this can happen. I will never forget all what you done for me. I always thought I believed in myself but you helped me to a higher level and I will always remember that.
HCI has made the preservation maze an educational and fulfilling part of our development process.