Fox Theater — Pomona, CA

Historic Preservation Consultant
20% Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
New Markets Tax Credits

102-144 South Third Street, Pomona


Historic Tax Credits Application, Historic Tax Credit and New Market Tax Credit Investment Placement, Primary Financing of 1st and 2nd Mortgage.

Project Budget:
Credit Value:

The Fox Theatre in Pomona, a showcase of Art Deco architecture and design, was completed in 1931. It was a site for Hollywood film premiers in its heyday during the 1930’s, continuing its run until it closed in 1977. The Fox sat vacant, until ultimately purchased by the local Tessier family in 2007. The family embarked on an ambitious restoration and adaptive use project, aiming to create a multi-purpose venue that would accommodate film, music, and a large banquet floor.

The project financing required the use of the federal historic tax credits and New Market Tax Credits. Historic Consultants worked with current owner and local architects Claremont Environmental Design Group to determine the best approach for modifying the audience chamber seating to create the banquet floor while retaining the integrity of the interior.

The result is a complete restoration of the historic interior with all restoration and repainting based on historic photographs, working carefully with the New York restoration firm Evergreene Architectural Arts. The outer lobby, marquis and landmark neon blade sign were also restored, and all the former retail storefronts adapted to restaurant and bar spaces on all levels, including any available roof area at the lower levels.